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# | Name | Location |
1 | Gorjan Nadzinski, PhD – President | FEEIT, Skopje Macedonia |
2 | Zhivko Kokolanski, PhD | FEEIT, Skopje Macedonia |
3 | Marko Porjazovski, PhD | FEEIT, Skopje Macedonia |
4 | Dushko Stavrov, PhD | FEEIT, Skopje Macedonia |
5 | Marija Markovska Dimitrovska, PhD | FEEIT, Skopje Macedonia |
6 | Bodan Velkovski, M.Sc | FEEIT, Skopje Macedonia |
7 | Goran Jakimovski, PhD | FEEIT, Skopje Macedonia |
8 | Bojana Velichkovska, PhD | FEEIT, Skopje Macedonia |
9 | Filip Donchevski, M.Sc | FEEIT, Skopje Macedonia |
10 | Blagoj Hristov, M.Sc | FEEIT, Skopje Macedonia |
11 | Bojan Glushica, M.Sc | FEEIT, Skopje Macedonia |
12 | Aleksandra Zlatkova, M.Sc | FEEIT, Skopje Macedonia |
13 | Marko Kamilovski, M.Sc | FEEIT, Skopje Macedonia |
14 | Emilija Chona, M.Sc | FEEIT, Skopje Macedonia |
# | Име | Локација |
1 | д-р Горјан Наџински, претседател | FEEIT, Skopje Macedonia |
2 | д-р Живко Коколански | FEEIT, Skopje Macedonia |
3 | д-р Марко Порјазовски | FEEIT, Skopje Macedonia |
4 | д-р Душко Ставров | FEEIT, Skopje Macedonia |
5 | д-р Марија Марковска Димитровска | FEEIT, Skopje Macedonia |
6 | м-р Бодан Велковски | FEEIT, Skopje Macedonia |
7 | д-р Горан Јакимовски | FEEIT, Skopje Macedonia | 8 | д-р Бојана Величковска | FEEIT, Skopje Macedonia |
9 | м-р Филип Дончевски | FEEIT, Skopje Macedonia |
10 | м-р Благој Христов | FEEIT, Skopje Macedonia |
11 | м-р Бојан Глушица | FEEIT, Skopje Macedonia |
12 | м-р Александра Златкова | FEEIT, Skopje Macedonia |
13 | м-р Марко Камиловски | FEEIT, Skopje Macedonia |
14 | м-р Емилија Чона | FEEIT, Skopje Macedonia |
Aleksandar Risteski, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies FEEIT – Skopje
Mitko Bogdanoski, Military Academy General Mihailo Apostolski – Skopje, University Goce Delcev – Stip
Goran Mitreski, Kabtel, Skopje
Kiril Buhov, Halk Bank, Skopje
Mane Piperevski, Piperevski & Associates, Skopje
Aleksandar Acev, Cyber Security Consultant
Simon Bojadzievski, A1 Makedonija, Skopje
Александар Ристески, Факултет за електротехника и информациски технологии ФЕИТ – Скопје
Митко Богданоски, Воена академија Генерал Михаило Апостолски – Скопје, Универзитет Гоце Делчев – Штип
Горан Митрески, Кабтел, Скопје
Кирил Бухов, Халк Банка, Скопје
Мане Пиперевски, Пиперевски и партнери, Скопје
Александар Ацев, Консултант за сајбер безебдност
Симон Бојаџиевски, А1 Македонија, Скопје
Тој е редовен професор во пензија на Универзитетот „Св. Кирил и Методиј“, Факултет за електротехника и информациски технологии, Скопје
Дипломирал во 1978 година на Универзитетот „Св. Кирил и Методиј“ на Факултетот за електротехника во Скопје, на насоката Електроника, на групата Техничка кибернетика.
По дипломирањето се вработува во Фабриката за производство на челични цевки и профили АД „11 Октомври“ во Куманово, Р. Македонија. Главно работел во делот за одржување, автоматизација и електроника. За неговото осумнаесетгодишно индустриско искуство, променил неколку позиции, од инженер во одделот за одржување, па сѐ до главен инженер за технички и технолошки активности во компанијата.
Покрај вообичаените работни активности во ФЗЦ „11 Октомври“, успева да замине на магистерски студии на Електротехничкиот факултет во Скопје, каде ги завршува постдипломските студии во 1987 година и се стекнува со звањето магистер.
Истражувачката работа за неговиот докторат е правена во Скопје, Куманово и во Вулверхемптон, Обединето кралство. Во 1997 година успешно ја завршил докторската дисертација: „Неконвенционално управување на индустриски енергетски процеси во големи загревни печки“ на Електротехничкиот факултет во Скопје. Дипломската работа, магистерскиот труд и докторската дисертација ги работел под раководство на проф. Георги Димировски.
Од октомври 1997 година се вработува на Електротехничкиот факултет, Скопје, на работното место асистент на Институтот за автоматика и системско инженерство. Една година подоцна, тој е унапреден во шеф на Лабораторијата на Институтот за автоматика и системско инженерство.
Во мај 2000 година е унапреден за доцент, во 2005 година е унапреден во вонреден професор, додека во 2010 година станува редовен професор на Електротехничкиот факултет во Скопје.
Од 2008 до 2016 година бил и декан на Факултетот за електротехника и информациски технологии во Скопје.
За време на неговата релативно долга академска и индустриска кариера, тој е ангажиран во повеќе од 120 научни статии, објавени и презентирани на меѓународни и домашни конференции и списанија. Коавтор е и на дел од четири меѓународни монографии и две книги, а автор е и на книгите “Компјутерско управување на процеси” и “Апликации во микроелектроника и наноелектроника”.
Под негово менторство студирањето го завршиле шест докторанти и повеќе од 20 магистерски студенти, а моментално е ментор на двајца докторанти.
Исто така, бил ангажиран како раководител и учесник во повеќе апликативни и научни проекти, а бил и експерт за евалуација на проектите во програмата на ЕУ Хоризонт 2020.
Во изминатиот период бил претседател на ЕТАИ (Друштво за електроника, телекомуникации, автоматика и информатика), потпретседател на Инженерската институција на Македонија (ИМИ), претседател на Собранието на КОАИ (Македонска комора на овластени архитекти и инженери) и потпретседател на IFAC TC-9.3 за земјите во развој (IFAC- Меѓународна асоцијација за автоматско управување).
Во 1981 година бил член на иницијативниот одбор за основање на друштвото ЕТАИ. Од самиот почеток бил член на управниот одбор на Друштвото. Бил генерален секретар на Друштвото, а во неколку наврати бил и претседател на Друштвото. Активно учествувал во организирањето на сите конференции на ЕТАИ и бил главен организатор на повеќето од нив.
He is a retired full professor at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Skopje.
He graduated in 1978 at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology in Skopje. His graduation was in the area of Automatics, on the Technical Cybernetics group.
After the graduation, he was employed in the Company for steel pipes productions AD “11 Oktomvri” in Kumanovo, R. Macedonia. He was mainly working in the maintenance, automation and electronics section. For his eighteen-year industrial experience, he changed several positions, from engineer in the maintenance department, to the main engineer for technical and technological activities in the company.
Besides his usual working activities at the Company AD “11 Oktomvri”, he managed to go enrol and complete masters studies at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Skopje in 1987.
The research work for his PhD was done in Skopje, Kumanovo, and Wolverhampton, UK. In 1997, he successfully finished the PhD dissertation: “Non-conventional Control of Industrial Energy Processes in Large Heating Furnaces” at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Skopje. His diploma work, master thesis, and PhD dissertation were all completed under the supervision of prof. Georgi Dimirovski.
From October 1997, he was employed at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies in Skopje, on the position Teaching Assistant at the Institute of Automation and System Engineering. One year later, he was promoted to Head of Laboratory at the same Institute.
In May 2000 he was promoted to Assistant Professor, in 2005 he was promoted to Associate Professor, while in 2010 he became full professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies. From 2008 to 2016 he held the position of Dean at the same faculty.
During his relatively long academic and industrial career, he has been engaged in more than 120 scientific articles, published and presented on international and domestic conferences and journals. He is a co-author of chapters in four monographies and two books published internationally. He has also written and published two books: “Computer Process Control” and “Microelectronic and Nanoelectronics Applications”.
Six doctoral students and more than 20 master students have finished their studies under his mentorship, and he is currently the advisor of two doctoral students.
He has also been employed in number of applicative and scientific projects, as well as being an expert for evaluation of the projects in EU program Horizon 2020.
In the past he has been President of ETAI (Society of Electronics, Telecommunications, Automatics and Informatics), Vice President of the Macedonian Engineering Association (IMI), Chairman of the Council of KOAI (Macedonian Chamber of Authorized Architects and Engineers), and Vice President of IFAC TC-9.3 on Developing Countries (IFAC- International Association of Automatic Control).
In 1981, he was a member of the initiative board for the establishment of the ETAI society. He was a member of the management board of the Society from the beginning. He was the General Secretary of the Society, and on several occasions was also the Chairman of the Society. He actively participated in the organization of all ETAI conferences and was the main organizer in most of them.
Interacting dynamical systems abound in nature and often the interest is not only to understand if, but also how they interact i.e. to reveal the functions and mechanisms that define and connect them. Coupling functions [1] contain detailed information about the functional mechanisms underlying the interactions and prescribe the physical rule specifying how an interaction occurs. We used a method based on dynamical Bayesian inference [2] in order to reconstruct the neural cross-frequency coupling functions from the phase dynamics of the brainwave oscillations. We focused on the delta-to-alpha coupling function in three cases: (i) resting state [3], (ii) general anaesthesia induced by propofol and sevoflurane anaesthetics [4] and (iii) natural sleep state [5]. In this way, we studied the delta-to-alpha coupling function form and the quantitative alterations between the different neural states.
[1] Stankovski, T., Pereira, T., McClintock, P. V., & Stefanovska, A. (2017). Coupling
functions: universal insights into dynamical interaction mechanisms. Reviews of Modern
Physics, 89(4), 045001.
[2] Stankovski, T., Duggento, A., McClintock, P. V., & Stefanovska, A. (2012). Inference
of time-evolving coupled dynamical systems in the presence of noise. Physical review
letters, 109(2), 024101.
[3] Stankovski, T., Ticcinelli, V., McClintock, P. V., & Stefanovska, A. (2017). Neural
cross-frequency coupling functions. Frontiers in systems neuroscience, 11, 33.
[4] Stankovski, T., Petkoski, S., Raeder, J., Smith, A. F., McClintock, P. V., & Ste-
fanovska, A. (2016). Alterations in the coupling functions between cortical and cardio-
respiratory oscillations due to anaesthesia with propofol and sevoflurane. Phil. Trans. R.
Soc. A, 374(2067), 20150186.
[5] Manasova, D. & Stankovski, T. (2023). Neural cross-frequency coupling functions in
sleep. Neuroscience, 523, 20-30.
In this keynote address, we explore the transformative potential of blockchain and artificial intelligence in the realm of academic credentialing. Traditional methods of diploma verification are fraught with inefficiencies and vulnerabilities to fraud. Our research presents innovative solutions to these challenges through the integration of blockchain technology and AI. We will focus into the conceptual models and review blockchain-based systems, highlighting the DIAR system as a case study. Furthermore, we will discuss the synergistic effects of combining blockchain with AI to enhance the security and efficiency of academic credentialing processes. We envision a future where academic credentials are not only secure but also seamlessly verifiable, paving the way for a more trustworthy and efficient educational ecosystem.
A novel paradigm (named Traffic Fluid: TrafficFluid) for vehicular traffic in the era of connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) was recently proposed, which is based on two combined principles. The first principle is lane-free traffic, which renders the driving task for CAVs smoother and safer, as risky lane-changing manoeuvres become obsolete; increases the capacity of the roadway due to increased road occupancy; and mitigates congestion-triggering vehicle manoeuvres. Also, lane-free CAV traffic implies that incremental road widening (narrowing) leads to corresponding incremental increase (decrease) of capacity, andthis opens the way for real-time internal boundary control on highways and arterials to flexibly share the total (both directions) road width and capacity among the two traffic directions in dependence of the bi-directional traffic conditions, so as to maximize the total system efficiency. The second principle is vehicle nudging, whereby vehicles may be influencing other vehicles not only behind, but also on the sides or in front of them; this allows for traffic flow to be freed from the anisotropy restriction, which stems from the fact that human driving is influenced only by downstream vehicles. Nudging leads to improved traffic flow capacity and stability.
After presenting the TrafficFluid motivation and general features, some highlights of related work will be outlined, such as: Nonlinear feedback control of CAVs in lane-free traffic with nudging; Optimal path planning for individual vehicles and vehicle groups; Forming of 1-D snake-like interruptible vehicle platoons and flexible 2-D vehicle flocks in lane-free traffic; Emerging macroscopic traffic flow modelling; Internal boundary control; Driving on large-scale lane-free roundabouts (Place Charles de Gaulle in Paris); Signal-free and lane-free urban intersection crossing.
Tomislav Stankovski, PhD, Spec. Med. Nuc. Phys., is an Associate Professor of Medical Physics at the Faculty of Medicine, Ss Cyril and Methodious University in Skopje. He is the Head of Department of Medical Physics at the Faculty of Medicine.
His research is predominantly focused on Nonlinear Biomedical Physics, with research interests including: Coupling Functions, Nonlinear Dynamics, Synchronization, Time-series Analysis, Dynamical Bayesian Inference, Time-varying Dynamics, Non-autonomous Systems, Cardiovascular System, Cardio-respiratory Interactions, Neuroscience, and Systems Neuroscience. He teaches the courses of Biophysics, Radiation Physics, and Digital medical images at the Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Pharmacy.
He authored number of manuscripts in prestigious scientific journal (both in physical and medical journals), books, chapters, has lead and participated in international scientific projects, has organized scientific international conferences and workshops, has been part of scientific committees of international conferences, editor of special issues in scientific journals, editor of scientific journals, reviewer in number of scientific journals, etc.
Fisnik Dalipi is currently working as an Associate Professor with the Department of Informatics, Linnaeus University (LNU) in Sweden. Besides, he also holds the title associate professor in information systems from the University of South-Eastern Norway, where he was previously working. He has authored/coauthored more than 60 papers in international conferences, journals, and as book chapters. His research interests include technology-enhanced learning, security and privacy, human–computer interaction, and applied artificial intelligence. Dr. Dalipi has been supervising students at different academic levels and has been involved in the development and curriculum preparation at all academic levels. He is actively serving as a program committee member, and reviewer for many international conferences, workshops, and journals published by Elsevier, IEEE, and Springer. Throughout his research and academic career, he has participated and coordinated academic and research projects funded by Swedish Knowledge Foundation, Swedish Innovation Agency (Vinnova), The Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education (STINT), Norwegian Research Council, the Regional Research Council of Norway and EU Horizon.
Markos Papageorgiou received the Diplom-Ingenieur and Doktor-Ingenieur (honors) degrees in Electrical Engineering from the Technical University of Munich, Germany, in 1976 and 1981, respectively. He was a Free Associate with Dorsch Consult, Munich (1982-1988), and with Institute National de Recherche sur les Transports et leur Sécurité (INRETS), Paris, France (1986-1997). From 1988 to 1994 he was a (tenured) Professor of Automation at the Technical University of Munich. Since 1994 he has been a Professor (since 2021 Professor Emeritus) at the Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece. Since 2021 he has been a Professor at Ningbo University, China. He was a Visiting Professor at the Politecnico di Milano, Italy (1982), at the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris (1985-1987), at MIT, Boston (1997, 2000); at University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy (2018); Distinguished Visiting Professor at Tsinghua University, China (2018-2021); and a Visiting Scholar at the University of California, Berkeley (1993, 1997, 2001, 2011) and other universities.
Dr. Papageorgiou is author or editor of 7 books and of some 600 technical papers. His research interests include automatic control and optimisation theory and applications to traffic and transportation systems, water systems and further areas. He was the Editor-in-Chief of Transportation Research – Part C (2005-2012). He also served as an Associate Editor of IEEE Control Systems Society – Conference Editorial Board, of IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems and other journals. He is a Life Fellow of IEEE and a Fellow of IFAC. He received a DAAD scholarship (1971-1976), the 1983 Eugen-Hartmann award from the Union of German Engineers (VDI), and a Fulbright Lecturing/Research Award (1997). He was a recipient of the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society Outstanding Research Award (2007) and Outstanding Application Award (2018); and recipient of the IEEE Control Systems Society Transition to Practice Award (2010). He is the recipient of the 2020 IEEE Transportation Technologies Award. He was presented the titles of Honorary Visiting Professor by the University of Belgrade, Serbia (2010); TUM Ambassador by the Technical University of Munich (2021); and Doctor honoris causa by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2023). The Dynamic Systems and Simulation Laboratory he was heading, received the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society Institutional Lead Award (2011). He was awarded two ERC Advanced Investigator Grants (2013-2018 and 2019-2025).
Prof. Oscar Mayora is senior researcher at FBK and the head of the Digital Health Lab Unit at FBK Center for Health and Wellbeing. He is scientific coordinator for the Joint Research Unit between the Trentino Local Health Trust, the Province of Trento and FBK as part of Trentino Salute 4.0 Initiative. Prof. Mayora is an adjunct professor in the Faculty of Cognitive Sciences at University of Trento (Italy), the School of Medicine at University of Verona (Italy) and FH-Burgenland (Austria). He has published over 200 papers in International Conferences and Journals, participated as Guest Editor of special issues in the topic of Pervasive Healthcare of Journals such as IEEE Intelligent Systems, EURASIP Signal Processing, Springer MONET, IMIA Journal on Methods of Information in Medicine among others. Dr. Mayora is founder of the EAI International Pervasive Health Conference. He has coordinated research projects at National and International level attracting over 12ME of funding in the past 8 years in the topic of pervasive healthcare and assistive technologies (EC FP6, FP7, H2020, HE and ICT Labs among others). He serves as reviewer and evaluator for different national and international agencies such as the European Commission, La Caixa Fellowship Program (Spain), CONACYT (Mexico), and other institutions in Italy and Switzerland.